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Subject-verb agreement is an essential concept in English grammar. It refers to the correct matching of subjects and verbs in a sentence. In simpler terms, it means that singular subjects should take singular verbs, and plural subjects should take plural verbs.

For example, consider the sentence « The cat sleeps on the couch. » In this sentence, the subject « cat » is singular, and the verb « sleeps » agrees with the subject in both number and person. If we were to change the subject to a plural, we would use the verb « sleep » instead of « sleeps. » For instance, « The cats sleep on the couch. »

It is crucial to understand subject-verb agreement because it can affect the clarity and readability of your writing. Here are some basic rules to help you master subject-verb agreement:

1. Know the subject of the sentence.

Before you can match the subject with the appropriate verb, you need to identify the subject first. The subject is the person or thing that performs the action of the verb or is described by the verb. For example, in the sentence « The sun shines brightly, » the subject is « sun. »

2. Match singular subjects with singular verbs.

If the subject is singular, the verb that follows it should also be singular. For example, « The student studies hard. » Here, the singular subject « student » is matched with the singular verb « studies. »

3. Match plural subjects with plural verbs.

If the subject is plural, the verb that follows it should also be plural. For example, « The students study hard. » Here, the plural subject « students » is matched with the plural verb « study. »

4. Watch out for tricky subjects.

Some subjects can be tricky because they appear to be plural but are actually singular. For example, « Each of the students is studying hard. » In this sentence, the subject is « each, » which is singular, and therefore, the verb is also singular.

5. Collective nouns can be singular or plural.

Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things. They can be singular or plural, depending on how they are used in the sentence. For example, « The team is playing well » is correct because « team » is considered a singular noun. However, « The team are all wearing their uniforms » is also correct because it refers to individual players within the team.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential concept in English grammar that should not be overlooked. By following the basic rules mentioned above, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. Always remember that the verb should match the subject in terms of number and person. Happy writing!